Since the tale of the Odyssey, the siren has been an enduring symbol of allure. While these creatures were initially depicted with bird wings, tales of sirens eventually blended with those of merfolk. The idea of irresistible beings with beautiful voices paired well with sailors’ ambitious adventures.

In the modern world, we often use nautical and seafaring language to describe our marketing efforts. How can we “capture” a lead and “hook” the customer? What “anchors” do we feature on our webpages? Where do we meet them on their journeys?

The siren may be dangerous, but she is also effective. She knows exactly what to sing to captivate those weary sailors. And in a crowded sea of skeptical consumers, she can summon them at her will— cutting through the crashing waves of empty sales talk.

That’s what you desire for your brand, and that’s what the StorySiren and her team of mermaids will provide. So next time you set your sights on the horizon, ask how you can benefit from the siren’s call.

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